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A short history of a long-established plant.

Ten Thousand yearsor so ago... 

(AKA Early Neolithic period)

* About the time humans began to farm and get into pottery.

* Archaeologists have found Hemp cloth in Mesopotamia (currently known as Iraq and Iran) and cited hemp as the earliest example of human industry.

Four Thousand Years or so ago…

(Egypt, the east and the “bronze age”)

* Pharaohs begin to be buried in Pyramids (with hemp blankets.) 

* The first Chinese EmperorShennong (AKA ‘The Divine Farmer’) encouraged Hemp cultivation for cloth. 

Three Thousand Years or so ago… 

(The “iron age”)

*King David and Solomon making names in the old testament. 

* India makes “Sacred Grass” (AKA Hemp) one of its five sacred plants (Ref: Atharvaveda,  ancient Hindu scripture) 

*Inspired by Odysseus, Greece increases production of hemp for rope and sails. 

Two Thousand yearsor so ago...

* China creates the world's first paper. It’s made with hemp. Examples still in existence.

* Jesus hangs out and wears hemp (probably).  

One Thousand years or so years ago…

 *Vikings stole hemp, but didn’t grow it.

*Saxons were slow on the uptake of hemp.

*Norman sails, rope and flags were made with hemp - some credit 1066 victory to the plant's practicality. 


Henry VIII makes it law that English farmers grow 1 Rood of hemp to support the sail and rope industries of the time.


Elizabeth 1st upps the amount of legal Roods required for growing hemp.

Credits hemp with helping win the Spanish Armada.

Walter Reileigh copies Christopher Columbas and takes more hemp seed to America.


1st English settlement in Jamestown Virginia makes it law to grow hemp.

Hemp becomes legal tender in the Americas. 

Farmers could face jail Time fornot growing Hemp.


Fire of London -Hemp is some of the only fabric to survive severe burning.


Founding fathers write first draft of declaration of Independence on Hemp paper.

<1800 Washington and Jefferson establish Hemp large plantations.

“Make the most of Hemp and sow it everywhere!” Washington

“Hemp is one of the greatest and most important substances of our nation” Jefferson


Alcohol prohibition lifted. American authorities seek new regulations. 

Cannabis and hemp are increasingly referred to as marujana (from the latin-american spanish) in a racially divisive move by the powers that were.

1936 -Commercial squeeze

MovieReefer Madness released. 

“Jazz drug” becomes a negative slur.

Randolph Hirst (newspaperman, racist, and forest owner) smears hemp in order to protect his wood-pulp industry and stoke racial divides. 

DuPont joins in the anti-hemp attack, eager to monetize carbon based textiles.

1937-USA Marijuana Tax act passed

Making it illegal for farmers (or anyone) to grow any kind of hemp (hallucinogenic or otherwise) at all.

1942 -USA Marijuana Tax act lifted 

Hemp for victory put in place to support WW2 effort (government later denies all involvement)

Henry Ford makes a motor car with hemp based plastic - that runs on hemp oil. Part of an initiative to ‘grow automobiles from the soil’. 

“Why use up forests centuries in the making and mines that take ages to lay down if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?” (Henry Ford)


UK issues 'industrial hemp’ cultivation licences for non-drug purposes 


Breathable Hempcrete developed in France as an alternative to wattle and daub.


Jack Herer writes his Magnum Opus ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Hemp shops begin to open up to moderate success.


Hemp planted in wake of the Chernobyl disaster.

2001 German scientists prove hemp have cleaned up Chernobyl's ‘contaminated sludge’


Obama signs farm Bill legally separating Hemp and marijuana 

"A new hope for hemp!" 


The world needs a change. 

Rood begins R&d.

Watch this space... Or just buy some socksand start strutting some Rood stuff?