For every ton of Hemp produced, 1.63 tons of carbon is removed from the air. That's what we call a Carbon Killer.
But what is carbon exactly? In its purest form - diamonds or graphite. But in the context of Climate change carbon is often used as shorthand for Carbon Dioxide. This CO2 is a product of 1 x carbon element mating with 2 x oxygen elements to create the Godzilla of greenhouse gasses. And whichever way you cut it there’s altogether too much carbon mixing going on. According to Nasa there’s more in the atmosphere now than there has been for the last 800,000 years.
Last year alone the world's smokestacks and tailpipes pumped out 60 trillion tons of the stuff. It's the reason things are heating up, the weathers getting wild, and the oceans are turning acidic. But Hemp is what is known asCarbon Negative - so for every one ton grown, it removes one point six tons of CO2 - making it the kind of carbon killer we need.
Carbon Offsetters like our very own Treestory are good ol’ growers that plant trees to offset things like air miles, electricity and delivery to customers. But what about if they started to grow hemp to offset? Then develop innovative and new ways of turning that hemp into carbon negative products we could all use?
Human activity will create a carbon cost - so we all just need to do more to kill it. Help us Clean some Air. Get into Hemp. Start wearing more of the Rood Collection.